Thursday, February 24, 2011

Almost TGIF in the Studio

OMG, what a week! I've been trying to squeeze studio time in-between volunteering at school, shuttling kids to and from playdates and activities, dealing with yet another snow delay, and having the remaining hours sucked into the black hole of Daily Life. And so, the battle continues between Art Mom and Daily Mom. It's anyone's guess who's winning at this point.

However, here's what I've been able to accomplish in a series of 15-minute increments in the studio this week. All will be available at Art Carnage III on Saturday night. Enjoy!

Countdown, graffiti fusion collage on cardboard

Original graffiti dogtag pendants. I may add affirmations to the reverse sides.

Looming, graffiti fusion collage painting on canvas

Also, I'm happy to report that the first in the Graffiti Reef series -- In the Chillout Lounge -- was recently featured in the Hip Hop Hoooray! Treasury by Marshall Couture (Calmplex) on Etsy. Thanks, Calmplex!


Calmplex said...

This stuff looks awesome!!! Especially the dog tags cool!! And much respect for being an Art Mom/Daily Mom! Keep it up :) And thanks for linking me :)

JessiVille said...

Hey, how did I miss leaving a comment on this post? For shame. Love the "shark bite". These dog tags are very fab.!!! Do you have an Etsy shop? And no, I'm not going to tag my Dr.'s office - Ha! (the area's too nice) but I am going to tag something...

JessiVille said...

Hi again, my verification word was roking. It made me think of having a "roking" good time!
Jess xox